

Writing the Playbook on Solopreneurship. Literally.

Another membership startup - another sweet challenge. This time, as a freelance writer, I joined Pollen: a membership helping solopreneurs and freelance consultants take their business to the next level with courses, expert mentors, community, and resources.

Pollen asked me to turn their live courses into concise, actionable resources. So I wrote on-demand playbooks to equip their members with practical quick-reads that help them tackle business challenges.

Playbook Snippet:

You’ve lived it, you’ve earned it, and now you’re teaching it. Writing your bio should tell that story in a way that leaves the reader feeling seen, heard, and ready to work with you because you know what it takes to reach their dream outcome. By connecting with your target audience, showing your personality, and establishing your credibility, you can convert bio readers into clients.

* Full Playbook Below


Playbook Sample